Improving purpose and performance .

We have more than 30 years’ experience in delivering our services to; Individuals, Groups, Businesses, and Organisations.
How we can help

Our area of expertise .


Harnessing individuals talent and potential to improve results, internally and externally


Strategically helping individuals, groups, businesses, and organisations to develop and improve in their sphere

Public Speaking

Delivering motivational speeches to individuals, colleagues, groups, businesses, and organisations to enhance status


To improve individuals skills and knowledge to match the various changes in our workplace today

With you all the way

D&V Associates .

D & V Associates are facilitators of Life Coaching and Development with the purpose of improving performances and enhancing effective action, achieving goals, and personal satisfaction. Growth and change are an integral part of our services, whether that is in perspective, attitude, or behaviour.

Our Clients .

proven experience

Success Stories .

Having served clients in a wide range of industries, sizes throughout the UK we’d like to share a few of our success stories.

Minorities Perception and Attitude of the British Army

A journey of converting more leads into sales

Making a case for equality and diversity

Coaching to Boost Staff Morale and Collaboration


What our Customers Say .

Consultancy client

Our working environment and systems was out of context to what we wanted it to be. After consulting with other consultants nothing changed. D&V Associates approached us and were able to align our working environment and systems into the context we wanted. Marvellous.

British Army Army Sergeant Major

Their professionalism and strategic process to the changes needed to accomplish the task got our attention forthwith. D&V Associates understood the culture of the British Army and we quickly developed a good working relationship, and we were able to hit the target of creating positive perceptions of the British Army, set by the British Government.

Consultancy Client

We wanted to see the intangibles in our organisation; we felt it was causing hindrance to us having an inclusive management approach for all. We were recommended to bring in D&V Associates to help us. D&V Associate’s consultants were very observant and showed us the unseen obstacles we needed to clear to achieve our objectives. Thank you.

Hi Tech Business Machines

My monthly sales figures were inconsistent, regardless of my activities. After attending sales training delivered by D&V Associates, my monthly sales figures became consistent to the activities I action. Why? I understood the sale process. Thank you, D&V Associates.

Executive Coaching Client

I achieved a great amount of individual success wherever I worked, but failed miserably when it came to manage or lead a group of people and was passed over many times for promotion. Through executive coaching from D&V Associates I learnt the hidden traits of how to lead and manage others without triggering resistance. Very grateful

DWP Equality & Diversity Training Attendee

Before attending equality & diversity training, I ask, why do I need equality and diverse training? After attending equality & diversity training by D&V Associates, I saw myself and others for the first time. I had a major paradigm shift; everyone needs equality & diversity training. My interpersonal relationships with others have improved in leaps and bounds. Thank you

Insights and news

Latest Insights .

Are you Thinking of Hiring a Life Coach.

Are you Thinking of Hiring a Life Coach.

Are you Thinking of Hiring a Life Coach. Then read all about how to choose a life coach on this page! Welcome, I’m Davis and I’m going to help you establish how to choose the right coach. You know where you want to be. For some reason you can’t quite get into the habits you […]

Choosing your sales trainer

Choosing your sales trainer

In the arena of sales training, a repeated promise of fantastic turnover of sales after attending sales training is a common statement of some sales trainers in their endeavours to sell sales training programmes. This statement can excite potential clients to sign up and send their sales team on sales training programmes. Unfortunately, a percentage […]

Excellence in Equality and Diversity

Excellence in Equality and Diversity

Are you struggling to recognise diverse opinions in the workplace? Do you want to create an inclusive working environment? Our Framework for Excellence in Equality and Diversity will help you achieve this. The dynamics of relationships between people have been at the centre of incredible changes in communication technology, knowledge, and global economy. The diversity […]

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